What Trade Unions Do

The SOCOTU shall concern itself with all matters affecting the workers of Somalia and shall take such action as may be considered necessary with special reference to the following matters:

  1. To Secure complete organisation of all workers in Somalia into the ranks of a united trade union movement.
  2. To assist in recruiting members for the affiliated National Unions
  3. To help build in SOMALIA, a society in which social, political and economic justice prevail and with this in view, generally to improve the social and economic conditions of workers by collective action through the SOCOTU and by promoting the interests of its affiliated National Unions specifically in securing improved wages, shorter hours of work and better conditions of service.
  4. To promote the provision of social services by the State and Local Government Authorities and other Bodies such as Unemployment and sickness insurance, old age pensions, child care, maternity etc.
  5. To promote adequate arrangements for workers to participate in decision making at their workplaces.
  6. To assist and encourage the coordination of activities of the affiliated National Unions at the regional and district levels.
  7. To assist and encourage affiliated National Unions of the SOCOTU to extend the benefits of collective bargaining, economic advancement and mutual assistance to the workers without regard to race, colour, creed, nationality, religion or ancestry and to give full recognition to the fact that a United Trade
  8. To preserve and maintain the integrity of affiliated National Unions of the SOCOTU to the end that each Union shall respect the established bargaining relationship of every other union, refrain from ruining such relationship through publication and to encourage the elimination of conflicts and disputes under the jurisdiction of and in consultation with the appropriate Committee of the Congress.
  9. To support and be involved in the national effort of economic development through efficient worker performance and maximum productivity and to work for a more equitable sharing of the national income.
  10. To affiliate with or to subscribe to or assist any organization within or outside Somalia having similar objects to those of the SOCOTU.
  11. To promote, aid and encourage the establishment of co-operatives and other economic enterprises owned wholly or partly by workers or by the SOCOTU on their behalf and to encourage the sale and use of union goods and services.
  12. To protect, strengthen, preserve and develop the cherished traditions and institutions of democracy and to secure fully the rights and liberties to which labour is entitled.
  13. To give constructive aid in promoting the cause of national freedom of oppressed people and world peace, and to this end, assist and co-operate with free, democratic and progressive labour movements throughout the world.
  14. To maintain and safeguard the democratic character of the labour movement and protect it from hostile forces and infiltration by subversive elements opposed to democratic and free trade unionism.
  15. To encourage workers to register and vote in exercise of their full rights and responsibilities as citizens and to perform their rightful part in the political life of the local, district, regional and national communities and in the building of a democratic society in Somalia.
  16. To secure the ratification and application of ILO Conventions, the enactment of legislations for the defence and promotion of the rights and interests of labour and of the objectives of the SOCOTU, as laid down in this Constitution; and to oppose legislations and policies contrary to the interest of labour and to the objects of the SOCOTU.
  17. To encourage and foster educational and publicity work with the object of increasing the knowledge and understanding of national and international problems confronting workers which will enable them to make their struggle for economic and social freedom more effective.
  18. In pursuance of these aims and objects, the SOCOTU may do or authorize to be done all such acts and things as it considers necessary.
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