

The Somali Congress of Trade Unions (SOCOTU) commemorates the World Day for Decent Work on October 7, 2023

The Somali Congress of Trade Unions (SOCOTU) commemorates the World Day for Decent Work on October 7, 2023, an important international observance that underscores the significance of decent work for all employees. This occasion serves as a platform to raise awareness about labor rights, social protection, and the importance of fair working conditions.SOCOTU\’s engagement in […]


SOCOTU conducted Day one gender-based violence and harassment (GBVH) in the workplace dialogue which is part GBVH campaign dialogue that focuses on C190 awareness and mainstreaming GBVH policies unions level

The participants were selected from SOCOTU affiliates in order to strengthen their capacity, raise their awareness on harassment at the work place and change their behaviour on how to end GBVH at the world of work in Somalia. Theme:Addressing violence and harassment against women workers. Objectives Objective One: Enhancing workers’ Voice to END Violence and


The Somali Congress of Trade Unions (SOCOTU) welcomes the improvements made by the Federal Government in the area of debt relief

This significant step reflects a commitment to enhancing the economic stability and prosperity of our nation. While debt relief is a crucial milestone, it is imperative that we continue to focus on broader economic development and sustainability. Recommendations: In conclusion, while debt relief is a positive step, it must be followed by a comprehensive and


SOCOTU is delighted to extend a warm welcome to the IMF for the Staff-Level Agreement of the Sixth Review under the Extended Credit Facility (ECF) with the Federal Republic of Somalia

The Somali Congress of Trade Unions (SOCOTU) is delighted to extend a warm welcome to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) staff and celebrate the successful completion of the Staff-Level Agreement for the Sixth Review under the Extended Credit Facility (ECF) with the Federal Republic of Somalia The Somali authorities have continued to make progress toward


Addressing Inflation Concerns for Somali Workers

Dear Members and Supporters of SOCOTU, I hope this message finds you well. We would like to draw your attention to a matter of significant concern that directly affects the livelihoods of Somali workers – the recent increase in the inflation rate within Somalia. In 2023, the inflation rate in Somalia increased by a substantial


Somali Congress of Trade Unions (SOCOTU) Executive Board Meeting Advocates for Workers’ Freedom of Association

In a significant development for labor rights in Somalia, the Executive Board of the Somali Congress of Trade Unions (SOCOTU) convened a high-stakes meeting to address the pressing issue of freedom of association for workers. In an effort to champion workers\’ rights and improve the conditions for laborers across Somalia, the Somali Congress of Trade


Somali Congress of Trade Unions (SOCOTU) Executive Board Meeting Advocates for Workers\’ Freedom of Association

In a significant development for labor rights in Somalia, the Executive Board of the Somali Congress of Trade Unions (SOCOTU) convened a high-stakes meeting to address the pressing issue of freedom of association for workers. In an effort to champion workers\’ rights and improve the conditions for laborers across Somalia, the Somali Congress of Trade

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